Friday, June 11, 2010

Hopedale Homeowners Continue to Struggle with Contamination

The Hopedale Inuit Community Government (HICG) continues its struggle to relocate resident’s homes from contaminated lands.

Judy Dicker is the AngajukKak for the HICG.

She says the HICG will be meeting with Stantec and the provincial Department of Environment next week.

Stantec is a consultant that completed a study on the contaminated site last summer.

The groups will discuss what can be done about the site and the homes that are located on top of it.

Dicker says there are three homes that they know of that are constructed on the contaminated grounds.

She adds that there may be more.

The three confirmed homes were constructed in the mid-nineties.

Construction of new homes in the area has since been halted.

Dicker says the contamination is evident by the tar seeping through the ground and the holes that exist in the area.

Those holes are only covered by pieces of plywood and when that plywood is removed you can see the drums buried below.

The drums were put there by the American Military from when they operated a radar site in the area.

Dicker says she hopes that the provincial government can help them find a solution to this serious problem.

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