Friday, February 12, 2010

Hopedale Power Outage

Some residents of Hopedale experienced an unexpected power outage on February 9th.

The power outage which only affected six customers to begin with, ended up affecting 80 out of the 227 customers in the town.

Karen O’Neil is the Senior Communications Advisor with Nalcor Energy.

She says the outage originally occurred because the recloser tripped causing the first of the outages.

When this was repaired the Operator from Hopedale attempted to restore the power, but the recloser tripped again and in turn one of the diesel units would not synchronize with the one that was in good working order.

O’Neil says customers of Hopedale were asked to conserve as much energy as possible and that during the conservation, power was rotated within the community.

She adds that on February 10th, power was restored to the whole community by 5pm.

To date, NL Hydro crews were not able to make it in to Hopedale due to poor weather conditions.

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